Great Food Collection 2014

The sixth edition of the Grand Collection organized by the Food Bank is here!

In the last six years the number of people turning to food banks has doubled.

This year the collection will be on the weekend of November 28-29.

The purpose of this campaign is to respond to the food insecurity of the most needy people in Catalonia.

To achieve this we want to exceed the number of 20,000 volunteers who participated last year, in order to exceed last year’s collection figure which was 3,634,000 kg.

What is collected?

It involves collecting basic foods, mainly legumes, canned fish, milk and oil.

The food collected will be distributed to people who need it through the charities that serve the final beneficiaries.

How can I participate?

There are several ways to participate:

On the one hand, bringing these staple foods to different collection points, usually markets and supermarkets, or making donations online. There are about 2,000 collection points throughout Catalonia.

On the other hand, volunteering for the collection. This year we want to surpass last year’s number of volunteers, which was about 20,000 people.
Volunteers are distributed to the different collection points and for 4 hours help to collect as much food as possible.

If you want to volunteer you must fill in the following form: forms .

Food Banks in Catalonia

Bancs d’Aliments de Catalunya are non-profit charities, independent of any economic, political or religious ideology, based on volunteering, with the aim of recovering food surpluses from companies and redistributing them free of charge among people. in need of our environment, avoiding any waste or misuse of food. Its maxims are to fight food poverty and contribute to sustainable development for a cleaner world.