12th edition of the GRan Recapte “the new reality is an empty fridge”

The twelfth edition of the Great Collection will take place on Friday 20 and Saturday 21 November in a campaign adapted to the sanitary measures of the Covid-19. The donations you will receive on Food Bank , organizer of the initiative, will become cheap and can be made at the supermarket checkouts from 16 November. This year’s edition requires 8,700 volunteers to inform the 600 supermarket collection points on how to make cash contributions.

The director of the Barcelona Food Bank , Lluís Fatjó-Vilas, stated at the presentation of the Gran Recapte that the health emergency has led the entity to the limit and that if the situation continues to worsen, they will not be able to guarantee the food distribution over the next few months. The organization says that the pandemic has increased demand by 40% and say they have been forced to reduce the supply from 12 to 7 kilos.

This situation makes the virtual edition of the Gran Recapte become more important than ever and so conveys the slogan: “The new reality is an empty fridge.” The financial collection will go to the purchase and distribution of food for most vulnerable groups . In addition to donations via the web and vouchers of 1 to 50 euros at supermarket checkouts, or the amount you wish to contribute, also includes payment by Bizum with the code 33596 and the QR codes on billboards that redirect you to the web to make the donations .

Despite the change in event planning, the volunteering will continue to inform the establishments in shifts of two people and their performance will be especially important. This was stated by the President of the Food Bank, Roser Brutau, who reported on the new figure of “volunteering”, an action that she considers essential to disseminate and collaborate electronically.

What is the Grand Collection?

The Gran Recapte, organized by the Food Bank of Lleida, Girona, Tarragona and Barcelona, is one of the most important solidarity events in Catalonia. The campaign guarantees the supply of basic food a social entities which are responsible for distributing them to the vulnerable population after assessing their needs through welfare agents.

Throughout the days set aside for the development of the Grand Collection, the organization and volunteers travel to food collection points, such as supermarkets and markets, to encourage citizen collaboration, which year after year can participate by making donations in person. of food or financial contributions for the official website .