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CerclesCat Support and Responsibility Circles

What is CerclesCat?
It is a social integration program promoted by the General Directorate of Penitentiary Services of the Department of Justice and managed by the Health and Community Foundation, aimed at people in open regime and on parole, and which aims to facilitate their reintegration. and prevent recurrence.
Would you like to know more about CerclesCat? Do you meet the requirements to volunteer? If you have the motivation to take part in an innovative project that looks after public safety …
call Anna Montes 627 55 10 67
or send him an email

What we do?
Accompany and supervise sex offenders in the period prior to final release, thus facilitating their insertion into society and preventing, as far as possible, from committing a new crime. CerclesCat has a group of volunteers who, under the supervision of a professional (circle coordinator), offer support to the person who committed the sexual crime.
What defines us: to promote public safety, to promote the prevention of violence, for the sake of “no more victims”.
What do we need?
Motivated people who want to participate in the project, and meet the following requirements:
– Be of legal age
– Have no criminal record
– Pass the Initial Formation of CerclesCat

At CerclesCat, volunteering is more than an added value; their collaboration is essential for the development of the project. The volunteer receives specific training and support to be able to carry out their work.