Little Musicians of the World needs families to welcome boys and girls from Malawi in April

It’s been 8 years since the NGO Petits Músics del Món started organizing the initiative to bring a few boys and girls from the Hear Us children’s choir from Lilongwe, Malawi, to Sant Cugat as a complement to its educational project in Malawi.


During the month of April, a dozen children and young people will arrive in Sant Cugat to live between two and three weeks full of musical, cultural and tourist activities, complemented by concerts with the aim of sharing part of their time. and experiences with children in Sant Cugat. Many of these boys and girls have been working in their respective schools the customs and traditions of Malawi.


It is for this reason that the organization is looking for families in Sant Cugat who can accommodate this dozen children during the month of April.

Interested families can contact the entity , by mail, or attend the informative talk they have organized on February 23 at 8 pm at the Aula de So music school. There you can solve any doubts you may have.