Conclusions of the 3rd Congress of Associationism and Volunteering

On May 20, the 3rd Congress of Associations and Volunteering was held with an attendance of more than 300 people. This congress is the result of 4 months of several territorial sessions where several sessions of work and debate were developed with the aim of reflecting on the present and the future of the associationism and volunteering, to propose proposals of improvement and at the same time that they were considered solutions to the challenges posed during the sessions.

As a result of this previous work process, a total of 27 were presented proposals for action (expanded to 28 during the working sessions of Congress) which were validations by the people attending the meeting.

All these proposals will be used to draft the new one National Plan of Associations and Volunteering of Catalonia promoted by the Generalitat de Catalunya, of the different strategic plans of local governments and also to be incorporated into the future law of the Promotion of the Associationism .

Proposals for action

The 28 ‘concrete and priority’ proposals for action approved during the 3CCAV cover 5 areas of action. Although these initiatives they will soon be available on the web of the Congress once the agreed amendments have been added, from the main lines proposed in each axis of action have been presented:

  • The day to day of the entities
    Do grow the number of people which are incorporated into the associative fabric; move towards one greater social recognition the work of organizations and volunteering; drive the generational relief and working to improve the fit between professionals and volunteers are some of the proposals raised.
  • The resources of the entities
    In this area is considered basic lincrease and optimization of public resources addressed to entities; open the door to public and private funding and alternative or collaborative formulas ; highlight and enhance the service role of second level entities and improve training or of the people of the organizations.
  • The relationship with the Administration
    The relationship of the entities with the Administration must be able simplify and get closer to the reality of the sector and move from a complex and difficult management to a simple and efficient one. Regulatory changes are needed in relation to the legal framework on hiring workers and creating an employment contract adjusted to the nature of the sector. They are also needed changes in the tax model acts l, move towards the definition of new social clauses in the contracting of services of the Administration and enhance the possibilities of accessing public tenders with preference.
  • Communication
    The public media must empower the promotion and information of projects, organizations and values linked to associations and volunteering. Entities must communicate better its projects and results and to do so requires more specific resources and specialized training, especially 2.0.
  • Networking
    Entities must promote networking with the other entities -to add efforts and resources-, with the schools -fostering the values of associationism and volunteering among young people-, and with the companies , les administrations and the other agents of each territory. Together they must be able to build common projects that seek the co-responsibility of all.

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# 3CCAV. 10 points not to forget