Course “How to draw up a volunteer plan for your organization”

Do volunteers collaborate in your organization? Do you know that you need a volunteer plan?

In this course, totally practical, recognized by the Volunteer Training Plan of Catalonia, we offer you the fundamental knowledge and tools so that at the end of it your organization has a volunteer plan that improves its management.

It is designed to involve two people from each organization: the volunteer coordinator and a board member. Thus, the participants, maintaining a leading role, based on theoretical contributions, the study of real cases, group work, the exchange of knowledge and participatory dynamics, will be those who will prepare a first draft of the plan. volunteering of their organizations.

Anna de Eguia, Master in Education for Citizenship and Values and Volunteer Management at Equality Factory

DATES: 20, 22, 27 and 29 October from 5pm to 9pm.
PLACE: Casal Torreblanca
PRICE: 10 euros
DEADLINE: October 13