Clica sobre l’àmbit que t’interessi per conèixer els projectes de voluntariat en els quals pots col·laborar.

Ateneu Santcugatenc

Catalan for new parents

Description: To teach Catalan to new parents so that they can learn the Catalan language in a relaxed environment in the same center where their sons and daughters study.

Availability: In the early afternoon. Day to be specified according to availability.


Small DIY tasks

Description: We need someone to help us remodel the library by doing small DIY tasks.

Availability: Depending on the volunteer.


Assisted study workshop

Description: School reinforcement in the Assisted Study Workshop at a Primary or Secondary school. Help with homework, organizing the agenda and tasks to do, and so on.

Availability: Two afternoons a week, 1 hour and a half, outside school hours between 3pm and 6pm. To be specified with the center and the students.