Gausac, a volunteer organization for young people

It is a university association of Sant Cugat where a space of study, training, sport, leisure and coexistence for the young people is offered.
Its aim is to create a civic, responsible and supportive awareness among young people, and volunteering is one of the ways to materialize this goal. Participate in the Volunteer Plan “MOVE FILE” of the Montblanc Foundation for the promotion of women and is specified in:

  • Support for the elderly, people with disabilities or at risk of exclusion in the Vallès Occidental and Barcelona.
  • Leisure monitors at the Cantarell Cultural Center, in Sant Cugat and at the Montblanc Foundation Summer Camps.
  • International Cooperation in the summer, specifically this year at a residence and an orphanage in Braga (Portugal).

If you want more information about the entity, consult yours web or write them one e-mail .
If you are between 18 and 25 years old, don’t think about it anymore. They need young hands eager to help!