Training for entities: ‘Basic management of entities and Law of transparency’

From 6 to 8 p.m. Two sessions: Tuesday 20 and 27 October. Basic issues will be addressed, but they often need to be refreshed, such as the legal and documentary obligations related to the internal functioning of the entity, assembly and board of directors; the responsibility of its members; financial obligations; those related to people management: volunteering and paid staff … and we will ask ourselves how the Transparency Act affects us.

By: Fundació Catalana de l’Esplai. With the support of the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Network of Volunteer Points of Catalonia.
Teacher: Sònia Fabra.
Price: free.
Registration: . In ‘Observations’ you must enter the name of the entity to which you belong

Training for 2020 entities: Six sessions from 22 September to 2 December. A cross-cutting proposal, coordinated with different areas of the City Council, which aims to provide tools and resources to help strengthen organizations and increase their social impact.

All information at: Sant Cugat City Council

DATE: Tuesday, 20 and 27 / Oct, 6 p.m.
PLACE: Online training