Clica sobre l’àmbit que t’interessi per conèixer els projectes de voluntariat en els quals pots col·laborar.


We are a secular entity founded by a group of people who shared the concern for a fairer world. This is how we create YAMUNA; with the knowledge of being ants, but with the conviction that by joining forces we could do many things.

A Madagascar , there is a high number of minors at risk of social exclusion, abandoned or families in extreme poverty and also single women with sons and daughters in a situation of marginalization, mostly illiterate, living in very precarious areas and they have no job or livelihood.

Lin 2003 we started , in the village of Vontovorona (20 km from Antananarivo, capital of Madagascar), a program to protect women i in 2006 the comprehensive protection program for children and young people to combat malnutrition, lack of medical and psychosocial care, schooling and literacy problems, and so on.

In the’ India , the discrimination suffered by women is sadly known, the in 2005 the girls’ schooling program began in a slum in Calcutta.

To volunteer in Yamuna – Madagascar you need:
• Have participated in the training course for volunteers “Approaching the South” organized by SETEM OR FCONG.
• Be over 23 years old.
• High level of French, because it is the language you can understand there.
• Make an effective collaboration approach of at least 1 month.
• Send us your resume to
• Exhibition of the volunteering experience: place, entity, dates, types of volunteering.
• Handwritten letter in which you tell us what motivated you to get in touch with Yamuna, what you think you can contribute and what you think it will bring you.
With this data we will make a first assessment, in case your proposal is considered, we will arrange a first interview, and we will decide when the following meetings of preparation of the project that you would carry out and of the displacement will take place.
Other information:
– The volunteer pays for the trip to Madagascar and participates with € 5 a day, stay in the project. With this contribution, Yamuna takes care of the accommodation, and the lunch on weekdays.
– For breakfast and dinner there is a kitchen where the volunteer can prepare meals, at his own expense.
– The cost of travel insurance will be borne by the Volunteer depending on the time and the task to be performed.
– The project that is agreed to be carried out must be carried out.
– The schedule, working days and rest will be specified in Madagascar with the coordinator of the local entity, will be determined according to the assigned task.
– The volunteer agrees to send to Yamuna Barcelona, with a maximum period of one month from the day of return (
– a short report explaining how he carried out his mission.
– Answer a questionnaire explaining what this experience has brought to Yamuna Madagascar.
– a short text with photos to publish on the ONGD blog