Great Collection

The eleventh edition of the Food Bank campaign will be held on 22 and 23 November.

He Great Collection has thrown one volunteer call to find 18,569 volunteers throughout Catalonia to join the basic food collection campaign. He Food Bank also asks for volunteers in Sant Cugat.

Do you want to participate?

Interested people can sign up as volunteers or coordinators by filling out the forms that the Food Bank has enabled on the campaign website. The shifts will be 3 or 4 hours and each food collection point will have between 10 and 15 volunteers.

According to data from the Food Bank, it is estimated that 20% of the population lives in poverty in Catalonia. Last year, the Gran Recapte collected more than 4 million kilos of food, including oils, preserves and milk, as highlighted in the lyrics of the video ‘ Whoever you are: young or old, active or sedentary, poor or millionaire … volunteer ‘ .

During the campaign, the food chains will cede spaces as a point of sale and store materials needed to carry out the campaign. The goal is to fight the waste and the food poverty and participate in reducing exclusion. People who want to can too give food online by purchasing products that will be purchased by the entity for later distribution.